
12 Year Physical - Female

A TB RISK ASSESSMENT form needs to be completed.

A NUTRITION QUESTIONNAIRE needs to be completed.

A PSC QUESTIONNAIRE needs to be completed only for patients with MassHealth, BMC, or Children’s Medical Security Plan insurance. If your child has any other type of health insurance, this form will not be needed.

An ADOLESCENT QUESTIONNAIRE needs to be completed.

Please click on the above links, print and complete the forms, and bring them with you to the appointment. Preferably, your child should complete the adolescent questionnaire herself.

The following immunization is usually given at this visit:

Please click on the above vaccine name to learn more about the vaccine. You and your provider will decide if the above immunization will be given at this visit.

Additional immunizations might also be recommended.

If your child has started her menstrual periods, a blood count (CBC) will be done.

Your provider will decide if any additional labwork is needed.

Your provider will decide if a vision screen or hearing test is needed.

We will be discussing nutrition, school, and safety issues plus any other concerns that you have.
