
6 Month Physical

A LEAD SCREEN form needs to be completed.

Please click on the above link, print and complete the form, and bring it with you to the appointment.

The following immunizations are usually given at this visit:

Due to a national shortage, Pentacel vaccine may not be available. If that occurs, we will substitute the individual components of the vaccine (DTaP, HIB, Polio) so your baby will continue to get the protection that he or she needs.

Please click on each of the above vaccine names to learn more about each vaccine.

Your provider will decide if any or all of the above immunizations are needed at this visit.

Additional immunizations might also be recommended.

If the lead screen form indicates a high risk for lead exposure, a lead level blood test will be done. Otherwise, no lab work will be needed at this visit.

We will be discussing nutrition, development, and safety issues plus any other concerns that you have.
