Educational Resources
(last updated 8/13/12)
Early Intervention Program
Early Intervention in Massachusetts is a statewide, integrated, developmental
service available to families of children between birth and three years of age.
Children may be eligible for EI if they have developmental difficulties due to
identified disabilities or if typical development is at risk due to certain
birth or environmental circumstances.
Department of Early Education and Care
The Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) provides financial
assistance to eligible families seeing care at early education and care or out
of school time programs. Families must generally meet income and activity
requirements to be eligible for EEC financial assistance.
Head Start
Head Start supports the development of the whole child. In addition to
providing early learning experiences to help children improve their academic
skills, Head Start promotes children’s physical wellness and social-emotional
development, important factors in school readiness and future academic success.
South Bay Early Intervention
South Bay Early Intervention-Services are available in homes, community
settings, and South Bay Early Intervention sites located in Brockton, Fall
River, Lowell and Worcester. Depending on a child's needs, Early Intervention
may include: developmental evaluations, parent and/or child groups, parent
support and education, home visits, speech, physical and occupational therapy
Triumph, Inc
Triumph Inc. is committed to providing a safe, nurturing and consistent
environment in a developmentally appropriate setting that creates opportunities
and experiences that will foster self-esteem and independence in children and
their families.
The Federation for Children with Special Needs
The Federation is a center for parents and parent organizations to work
together on behalf of children with special needs and their families. Organized
in 1975 as a coalition of parent groups representing children with a variety of
disabilities, the Federation offers workshops and training, advocacy and
resources to parents of children with special needs and the professionals who
serve them.
Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI)
The Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) promotes the full inclusion of
people with disabilities in every aspect of society. This is done through
training, research, consultation, and clinical and employment services. The ICI
is a program of the University of Massachusetts Boston and Children’s Hospital
Parent Information Center (PIC)
Informs and enables parents to play a key role as partners with schools in
ensuring children’s success in school. PIC focuses on empowering parent of
children ages birth through high school to play a powerful role in their
children’s development and education.
English as a Second Language (ESL)
University of Massachusetts
UMass Boston English as a Second Language programs are designed for
individuals seeking to communicate more effectively and improve their
performance in professional, academic and social environments.
General Education Development Test give the ability to earn an equivalency
high school diploma. There are five areas in which are tested, Language Arts
(writing), Language Arts (reading), Social Studies, Science and Mathematics
After School Programs
Link to Department of Early Education and Care, to locate an after school
program in your area.