
Health Insurance

(last updated 6/12/12)

Health Care for All Helpline

Mass Health Standard

This Medical insurance is available to children and family regardless of disability based on family income.

MassHealth Application


A premium based state program MassHealth for medically eligible children. Premium is based on gross family income and size (regardless of finances).

Kaileigh Mulligan Program (Home Care for Disabled Children)

The Kaileigh Mulligan Program allows certain severely disabled children (under age 18) to live at home with their parents and have MassHealth eligibility determined without counting the income and assets of their parents. The child's medical needs must be severe enough to require a level of care equal to that provided in a hospital or pediatric nursing facility.This program covers payments for a wide range of medical and nursing care, and certain medical equipment and supplies for the child. The cost to MassHealth cannot be greater than what it would cost for the child to live in a hospital setting or nursing facility.

Children’s Medical Security Plan

This medical insurance is available to otherwise uninsured children who do not qualify for MassHealth. Sliding scale fee applies.

MassHealth Contracted Programs

MassHealth Standard CommonHealth Premium Reimbursement (MSCPA)

Provides financial assistance to reimburse most employer based health insurance premiums. This program is administered separately from MassHealth Commonhealth and requires a separate application.

Community Case Management

Single point of entry for coordinated long-term care services for medically ragile children on MassHealth Standard eligible for continuous nursing services. Operated for the Office of Medicaid by the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Enhanced Coordination of Benefits

Helps MassHealth members and their families with care coordination by identifying all benefits from MassHealth and private insurances and help with application process for MassHealth, MSPCA and COBRA.

Insurance Partnership Program

Through the Insurance Partnership Program, MassHealth helps qualified small employers, including those self-employed, pay for health insurance provided to their employees under age 65 whose income qualifies them for assistance. Small businesses that provide health insurance to their qualified employees can have part of their costs paid for by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. MassHealth Family Assistance

Health Connector

An independent state agency that helps Massachusetts’s residents find health insurance coverage and avoid tax penalties. Commonwealth Choice offers many name-brand health insurance options, all of which carry our Seal of Approval. Commonwealth Care is low or no-cost health insurance for people who qualify. Commonwealth Care is the Health Connector's health insurance program for uninsured adults who meet income and other eligibility requirements


MassMed Line

The MCPHS Pharmacy Outreach Program is a community service program of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Our goal is to foster medication compliance and adherence through education, evaluation and outreach. By calling a toll-free helpline, visiting our walk-in center at 25 Foster Street, Worcester, MA, or accessing our web site (, patients will receive information about their medications, prescription drug coverage, including the Medicare Drug benefit, and assistance with accessing affordable prescription drug programs.

Offers Eligibility Checks for these programs:

o MassHealth

o Fuel Assistance (LIHEAP)

o SNAP Food Stamps

o Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC)

o Emergency Aid to Families, Disabled, and Children (EAEDC)

o Rental Assistance (Section 8, public housing, subsidized housing)

o Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

o Emergency Assistance

